Sunday, June 15, 2008

America's Culture

This is absolutely insane. This is Latarian Milton, the seven year old who participated in grand theft auto, stealing his grandmother's Durrango, and taking it for a spin, hospitalizing people and wrecking cars. Who's to blame? Video games, rap music, MTV, BET, a culture that convinces kids that stealing, being a 'gangsta' and getting 12 year old girls pregnant is cool. It's disgusting. It needs to stop, unless we want to raise a generation of youth like Latarian Milton. Imagine what he will be like when he's 1o? 15? 18?

Those rap stars like Ludacris, 50 Cent, and Eminem, are just showing how animalistic they really are. And the worst part is, they are accepted, and even called "musicians" and "artists", by their adoring fans, many just kids and teenagers getting exposed to a sex-based world. These "stars" are rich, famous, and well liked by everyone. No wonder we have kids idolizing these stars.

1 comment:

Elise said...

Amen, sista! I am so inexpressably grateful that you and I have been given the drive to make it out. We, my sister, are going to South America, where we can banish all these twisted ideals until we can face them with a real perspective.